Do we really need to re-live our stories? (with teller Gail Thomas)

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Feature GRIT storyteller: Gail Thomas
Sean & Kurt's Q: Do we really need to relive our stories?

Gail Thomas is a former lawyer who has performed standup, sketch and improv in NYC and LA. Her voiceover work includes Beavis and Butthead, Angelo Rules and David Letterman, and she appeared on Law & Order SVU. Her short comedy, My BFF, rated 95% funny on Funny or Die and audience favorite at New Filmmakers. As a speechwriter for awards shows, her words were uttered by Oscar winners and fancy people with great clothes. She is a Moth StorySLAM winner and has performed with RISK!, Story Collider, Sideshow Goshko and the Liar Show (and GRITs 7 by 7!) She teaches for The Story Studio.

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Do we really need to re-live our stories? (with teller Gail Thomas)
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