Melissa Reaves Nudges thru Conflict 🙏🏼

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Melissa Reaves is a Seattle-based storyteller (and improviser) who has appeared on the Moth, Fresh Ground Stories, Ignite Seattle, NAMI and NPR. She is also a public speaking coach and CEO of Story Fruition. She also produces a social impact storytelling series, Melanin Stories Matter, to amplify the voices of Black, Indigenous and People of Color so that their stories are heard. She's a proud mom of two great kids and two great cats.

2:30- Melissa's entry intro story (Mr. Whipple!)
4:00- Workshopping 
6:00- Melissa's 7-minute story

13:00- Performing on Zoom
15:00- Conflict & stakes
17:00- Challenge of where to start

20:00- Storyboarding the mind movie
22:00- Advance & expand
24:00- Storyteller's obligation

26:00- Dialogue!
27:00- Pro tip
29:00: Story Fruition & MSM
32:00- Favorite tellers

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Melissa Reaves Nudges thru Conflict 🙏🏼
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