A Totally New Story Form! (2 truelogues) 👥

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Truelogues open the stage for two tellers to meet each other’s truths through the telling of their own experience. Both tellers go back and forth, weaving their personal stories - same prompt, different lives. Our two feature stories are from GRIT's live (virtual) event in June 2021... ⚠️CONTROL (Mary Jo Pollack & Shweta Bhatt) ☮️ENLIGHTENED (Ronna Levy & Johanne Pelletier) Deja True II: https://fb.me/e/3UOXjEC7y Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/grit/donations

Truelogues open the stage for two tellers to meet each other’s truths through the telling of their own experience. Both tellers go back and forth, weaving their personal stories - same prompt, different lives.

Our two feature truelogue stories are from GRIT's live (virtual) event in June 2021...

⚠️ CONTROL (Mary Jo Pollack & Shweta Bhatt)

☮️ ENLIGHTENED (Ronna Levy & Johanne Pelletier)

Deja True II (Time)

Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/grit/donations
A Totally New Story Form! (2 truelogues) 👥
Broadcast by